New website launched

After a couple of weeks intensive work, I recently published the brand new webpages for the local community of Borgarveien Borettslag.

A complete website containing pictures, historical details, contact information to the board, guestbook, private pages for the people living here and a lot of services has been incorporated into the website at that was launched recently.

The 41 local recidents have now the possibility of logging into their own webpage where they can find information or communicate with the board.

We're happy to announce that the webpage already is implemented into the webpages and sales routins of the FOBBL that governs all the local BRLs. All future as sales will have a direct link to the new website giving additional information to any seeking appartments in the area.


History of dogs

  • When my brother and I were young school kids, our parents bought a Shetland Sheepdog. Little Connie was for a period of more than 12 years, the fifth member of our family.
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  • Elin's big Newfoundlander, with the suitable name Globus (globe), lived a happy life for 10 years giving much fun and joy to the whole family.
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  • From autumn 2005 and until December 2007, we had the joy of having the Tibetan Terrier, Kyang's Yak, as a member of our family.
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  • In August 2008, we brought home our new puppy, the German Pinscher "Ta Wei's Dragbike", that we decided to call "Turbo".
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